The following are some sample pages from the manual. The first page is part of the "Pretrip Inspection" chapter and the second is from the "Serpentine" practical exercise chapter. Copyright 2000, D. P. Allen
As you pass them on conventionals, check fender mirror(s). Properly mounted and secured. No loose or missing nuts or bolts. No cracked broken or missing glass or rubber seals.
Overview of Left Engine Compartment
All hoses and wires. Properly mounted and secured. No loose or missing nuts or bolts. No abrasions, breaks or cuts. No leaks.
Air System
Check: gear driven air compressor with governor. Properlymounted and secured. No loose or missing nuts or bolts. No leaks.
Fuel System
Check: gear driven fuel pump, fuel filter, fuel-water separator. (if not checked on other side of truck) Properly mounted and secured. No loose or missing nuts or bolts. No leaks.
Starter System
Check: starter and solenoid and associated cables. Properly mounted and secured. No loose or missing nuts or bolts. No abrasions, breaks or cuts.
Steering System
Check: gear driven power steering pump, steering reservoir with dipstick for checking/refilling fluid level, and gearbox. Properly mounted and secured. No loose or missing nuts or bolts. No Leaks. Check: steering shaft with "U" joints, pitman arm, drag link, upper control arm, steering knuckle, lower control arm, tie rod ends and tie rods. Properly mounted and secured. No loose or missing nuts, bolts or cotter keys (pins) on castle nuts. Properly lubed.
Chapter 2
The examiner will assist in positioning the truck for the start of the exercise.
The student (under the direction of the examiner) will pull the truck forward until the rear of the trailer is even with and about 12" to 18" to the right of the #3 cone and stop.
The examiner will then place the #2 cone even with the front of the tractor.
The student will pull forward until the rear of the trailer is even with and about 12" to 18" to the right of the #2 cone and stop.
The examiner will then place the #1 cone even with the front of the tractor.
The student will pull forward until the rear of the trailer is even with and about 12" to 18" to the right of the #1 cone.
The student is now positioned to begin the exercise.
1. Turn the steering wheel one (1) complete revolution to the right.
2. Back until the trailer begins angling towards the center line. (avoid running over the center line forward of the #1 cone)